Tuesday, July 2, 2013

James 1:19-21

As we work through the book of Jame together I would like to invite you to process this with me.  Here is how I unpack the bible.  Simply use the following to unpack each verse.  I will share mine and if you could share yours in the comments that would be great!

  1. OBSERVATION (allow your mind to pick up on words and phrases.  Simply write what comes to mind.)
  2. RESTATEMENT  (rewrite the verse or parts of the verse)
  3. QUESTION (what questions can you ask?  Don't let this be a distraction but at the same time, dont' take things for granted that you have always thought. )

 :19--My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this:  Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,
  1. is this connected with the previous verses or a new conversation
  2. writing to Christians
  3. this is good for non believers but it's directly written to believers
  4. there is an intentional path process information
  5. What is happening that he has decided to teach this
  6. interesting that anger is the emotion he puts in there. 
  7. Why not other emotions?
  8. Is anger the emotion that causes us to disconnect from God the most
  9. Is anger bigger than we give it credit for.
  10. when we are quick to listen, slow to speak, doesn't mean we won't be angry but we wont' be angry as quickly.  
  11. Does our anger come from being slow to listen and quick to speak
  12. often times we follow our heart and the tension in our bodies.  This verse goes against our human natural response.  
  13. As humans we are morel likely to be slow to listen and quick to speak.  It makes us feel better.
  14. some people may not speak outside their own thoughts but I would imagine those that talk in their heads should listen as well.
  15. The only people that get angry are not those that speak out loud.
  16. what's wrong with anger?  :20 says it leads us to not be what God desires
:20--because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires
  1. God desires righteousness
  2. Anger gets in the way
  3. James is concerned about people producing righteousness
  4. am I righteousness
  5. does anger get in the way of my righteousness
  6. am i angry

:21-Therefore, get rid of all moral filth  and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.
  1. what is considered moral filth
  2. therefore or because of what was just said
  3. Because God desires righteousness we need to get rid of moral filth
  4. how do i get rid of the moral filth
  5. accept God's word humbly will rid me of moral filth
  6. most people say to separate yourself form the moral fifth.  That may be true, but James says to not just move away from something but move to something.
  7. Just stopping may be what keeps me from doing things but God calls me to be righteous.
  8. God's standard is higher for me than just not participating in bad things
  9. Move towards God word.
  10. Approach God's word  with humility
  11. Humility sets our minds and hearts in the right place to accept God's wisdom.  Refer to :5 where God says he gives wisdom to those who ask.
  12. If we approach God's word humbly asking that means we aren't telling God and seeing if he agrees.
 God Nugget:  God is righteous

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here is how I have been tought to read and digest the truth of the Bible:

1. Revelation: Let the scripture reveal the word to you.

2. Reckon: You must internally in your hear and mind reckon that the scripture is the truth or not.

3. Rest: Rest in the truth of the scripture and apply in to your life, or take refuge in the scripture.