Monday, June 8, 2009

Pray continually

Prayer is more than a good morning to God, a thank you for the food, and a good night before you go to bed. It's about being in rhythm with God. The bible says that our spirit talks to God's spirit when we are mindful of God. Prayer is about being mindful of God (who his is, what he has done, what he can do). Below are many different kinds of prayers that were prayed in the bible. Let these be some of your thoughts on the day.

Paul’s prayers
Pray with thanksgiving Phil. 4:6
Prayed that he could visit the Romans--Romans 1:10
Prayed his hearts desire for Israel to be saved--Romans 10:1
Was Faithful in prayer --Romans 12:12
Prayer as a matter of connecting with each other and God. --1 cor. 7:5
Prayers are connected to our hearts--2 cor 9:14
Prayer is about hearts and thoughts--Eph 1:16--Phil 1:3--1 thes 1:2
Pray for the message to be spread--2 thes 3:1
Prayed for believers to have more love and knowledge and depth of insight--Phil 1:9
Prayer is about peace. Phil 4:7


J10 said...

Thanks for who you are. Thanks that we can come to you and know that you hear us. Thanks that you have given us your spirit that communicates to you on our behalf. Today, help us be mindful of your goodness. Help us to trust you love us and want what's best for us. We love you.

ese*j said...

"My heart has heard you say, 'Come and talk with me.' And my heart responds, 'Lord I am coming.'"
Psalm 27:8

God, you desire to talk with us continually. Its pretty hard for me to do that; I feel so consumed with everything else that just seems so so loud and urgent. Make it my desire to be responding to you in a back-and-forth relationship all the time. Help me to be "constantly aware of your unfailing love (Ps.26:3)" I totally need you to do that. You are Bigger and Better than I can comprehend. Help me (and everyone else trying to be in "Rhythm") to know you a little more today. We want to discover and be aware of you. Thanks for giving us your Spirit! Amen!

Anonymous said...

Father,    As I desperately search for my rhythm with You, please help me to see that my baggage prevents me from finding it.  Please show me how to lay down my anger, hurt, disappointment, doubts, and fears so that I can play in harmony with You.  I love you.